simsopt.util package


simsopt.util.logging module

simsopt.util.logging.initialize_logging(filename: Optional[str] = None, level: Optional[str] = None, mpi: bool = False)None

Initializes logging in a simple way for both serial and MPI jobs. The MPI logging uses MPILogger package.

  • filename – Name of file to store the logging info

  • level – Logging level. Could be ‘INFO’, ‘DEBUG’, ‘WARNING’, etc.

  • mpi – If True MPI logging is used provided mpi4py is installed.

simsopt.util.mpi module

This module contains the MpiPartition class.

This module should be completely self-contained, depending only on mpi4py and numpy, not on any other simsopt components.

simsopt.util.mpi.log(level: int = 20)

Turn on logging. If MPI is available, the processor number will be added to all logging entries.


level – Typically logging.INFO for regular output, or logging.DEBUG for more extensive output.

simsopt.util.types module

This module contains small utility functions and classes.

Module contents