simsopt.geo package


simsopt.geo.biotsavart module

class simsopt.geo.biotsavart.BiotSavart(coils, coil_currents)

Bases: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Computes the MagneticField induced by a list of closed curves \(\Gamma_k\) with electric currents \(I_k\). The field is given by

\[B(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \sum_{k=1}^{n_\mathrm{coils}} I_k \int_0^1 \frac{(\Gamma_k(\phi)-\mathbf{x})\times \Gamma_k'(\phi)}{\|\Gamma_k(\phi)-\mathbf{x}\|^3} d\phi\]

where \(\mu_0=4\pi 10^{-7}\) is the magnetic constant.

A(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_and_dB_vjp(v, vgrad)

Same as simsopt.geo.biotsavart.BiotSavart.B_vjp but returns the vector Jacobian product for \(B\) and \(\nabla B\), i.e. it returns

\[\{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{v}_i \cdot \partial_{\mathbf{c}_k} \mathbf{B}_i \}_k, \{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} {\mathbf{v}_\mathrm{grad}}_i \cdot \partial_{\mathbf{c}_k} \nabla \mathbf{B}_i \}_k.\]
B_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Assume the field was evaluated at points \(\mathbf{x}_i, i\in \{1, \ldots, n\}\) and denote the value of the field at those points by \(\{\mathbf{B}_i\}_{i=1}^n\). These values depend on the shape of the coils, i.e. on the dofs \(\mathbf{c}_k\) of each coil. This function returns the vector Jacobian product of this dependency, i.e.

\[\{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{v}_i \cdot \partial_{\mathbf{c}_k} \mathbf{B}_i \}_k.\]
GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

compute(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: int)None

Compute the potential of a BiotSavart field

\[A(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \sum_{k=1}^{n_\mathrm{coils}} I_k \int_0^1 \frac{\Gamma_k'(\phi)}{\|\Gamma_k(\phi)-\mathbf{x}\|} d\phi\]

as well as the derivatives of A if requested.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

fieldcache_get_or_create(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: str, arg1: List[int])numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
fieldcache_get_status(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: str)bool
get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.BiotSavart, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

simsopt.geo.boozersurface module

class simsopt.geo.boozersurface.BoozerSurface(biotsavart, surface, label, targetlabel)

Bases: object

BoozerSurface and its associated methods can be used to compute the Boozer angles on a surface. It takes a Surface representation (e.g. SurfaceXYZFourier, or SurfaceXYZTensorFourier), a magnetic field evaluator, surface label evaluator, and a target surface label.

The Boozer angles are computed by solving a constrained least squares problem. The least squares objective is given by \(J(x) = \frac{1}{2} \mathbf r^T(x) \mathbf r(x)\), where \(\mathbf r\) is a vector of residuals computed by boozer_surface_residual (see, and some constraints. This objective is zero when the surface corresponds to a magnetic surface of the field and \((\phi,\theta)\) that parametrize the surface correspond to Boozer angles, and the constraints are satisfied.

The surface label can be area, volume, or toroidal flux. The label on the computed surface will be equal or close to the user-provided targetlabel, depending on how the label constraint is imposed. This constrained least squares problem can be solved by scalarizing and adding the constraint as an additional penalty term to the objective. This is done in

  1. minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_LBFGS

  2. minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_newton

  3. minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_ls

where LBFGS, Newton, or scipy.optimize.least_squares optimizers are used, respectively. Alternatively, the exactly constrained least squares optimization problem can be solved. This is done in

  1. minimize_boozer_exact_constraints_newton

where Newton is used to solve the first order necessary conditions for optimality.

boozer_exact_constraints(xl, derivatives=0, optimize_G=True)

This function returns the optimality conditions corresponding to the minimization problem

\[\text{min}_x ~J(x)\]

subject to

\[\begin{split}l - l_0 &= 0 \\ z(\varphi=0,\theta=0) - 0 &= 0\end{split}\]

where \(l\) is the surface label and \(l_0\) is the target surface label, \(J(x) = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf r(x)^T \mathbf r(x)\), and \(\mathbf r(x)\) contains the Boozer residuals at quadrature points \(1,\dots,n\). We can also optionally return the first derivatives of these optimality conditions.

boozer_penalty_constraints(x, derivatives=0, constraint_weight=1.0, scalarize=True, optimize_G=False)

Define the residual

\[\mathbf r(x) = [r_1(x),...,r_n(x), \sqrt{w_c} (l-l_0), \sqrt{w_c} (z(\varphi=0, \theta=0) - 0)]\]

where \(w_c\) is the constraint weight, \(r_i\) are the Boozer residuals at quadrature points \(1,\dots,n\), \(l\) is the surface label, and \(l_0\) is the target surface label.

For scalarized=False, this function returns \(\mathbf r(x)\) and optionally the Jacobian of \(\mathbf r(x)\).

for scalarized=True, this function returns

\[J(x) = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf r(x)^T \mathbf r(x),\]

i.e. the least squares residual and optionally the gradient and the Hessian of \(J(x)\).

minimize_boozer_exact_constraints_newton(tol=1e-12, maxiter=10, iota=0.0, G=None, lm=[0.0, 0.0])

This function solves the constrained optimization problem

\[\text{min}_x ~ J(x)\]

subject to

\[\begin{split}l - l_0 &= 0 \\ z(\varphi=0,\theta=0) - 0 &= 0\end{split}\]

using Lagrange multipliers and Newton’s method. In the above, \(J(x) = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf r(x)^T \mathbf r(x)\), and \(\mathbf r(x)\) contains the Boozer residuals at quadrature points \(1,\dots,n\).

The final constraint is not necessary for stellarator symmetric surfaces as it is automatically satisfied by the stellarator symmetric surface parametrization.

minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_LBFGS(tol=0.001, maxiter=1000, constraint_weight=1.0, iota=0.0, G=None)

This function tries to find the surface that approximately solves

\[\text{min}_x ~J(x) + \frac{1}{2} w_c (l - l_0)^2 + \frac{1}{2} w_c (z(\varphi=0, \theta=0) - 0)^2\]

where \(J(x) = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf r(x)^T \mathbf r(x)\), and \(\mathbf r(x)\) contains the Boozer residuals at quadrature points \(1,\dots,n\). This is done using LBFGS.

minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_ls(tol=1e-12, maxiter=10, constraint_weight=1.0, iota=0.0, G=None, method='lm')

This function does the same as minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_LBFGS, but instead of LBFGS it uses a nonlinear least squares algorithm when method='lm'. Options for the method are the same as for scipy.optimize.least_squares. If method='manual', then a damped Gauss-Newton method is used.

minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_newton(tol=1e-12, maxiter=10, constraint_weight=1.0, iota=0.0, G=None, stab=0.0)

This function does the same as minimize_boozer_penalty_constraints_LBFGS, but instead of LBFGS it uses Newton’s method.

simsopt.geo.coilcollection module

class simsopt.geo.coilcollection.CoilCollection(coils, currents, nfp, stellarator_symmetry)

Bases: object

This class represents a collection of coils and currents. For stellarators with symmetries (rotational, stellarator symmetry), this class performs reflections and rotations to generate a full set of stellarator coils from a base set of modular coils.

simsopt.geo.config module

simsopt.geo.curve module

class simsopt.geo.curve.Curve

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

Curve is a base class for various representations of curves in SIMSOPT.


This function returns the derivative of the curve’s Frenet frame,

\[\left(\frac{\partial \mathbf{t}}{\partial \mathbf{c}}, \frac{\partial \mathbf{n}}{\partial \mathbf{c}}, \frac{\partial \mathbf{b}}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\right),\]

with respect to the curve dofs, where \((\mathbf t, \mathbf n, \mathbf b)\) correspond to the Frenet frame, and \(\mathbf c\) are the curve dofs.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \|\Gamma'\|}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\]

where \(\|\Gamma'\|\) is the incremental arclength, \(\Gamma'\) is the tangent to the curve and \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs.


This function computes the derivative of the curvature with respect to the curve coefficients.

\[\frac{\partial \kappa}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf c\) are the curve dofs, \(\kappa\) is the curvature.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \kappa}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\]

where \(\mathbf c\) are the curve dofs and \(\kappa\) is the curvature.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \kappa'(\phi)}{\partial \mathbf{c}}.\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\kappa\) is the curvature.


This function returns the derivative of torsion with respect to the curve dofs.

\[\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf c\) are the curve dofs, and \(\tau\) is the torsion.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\]

where \(\mathbf c\) are the curve dofs, and \(\tau\) is the torsion.


This function returns the Frenet frame, \((\mathbf{t}, \mathbf{n}, \mathbf{b})\), associated to the curve.


This function implements the curvature, \(\kappa(\varphi)\).


This function returns \(\kappa'(\phi)\), where \(\kappa\) is the curvature.

plot(ax=None, show=True, plot_derivative=False, closed_loop=True, color=None, linestyle=None)

Plot the curve using matplotlib.pyplot, along with optionally its tangent when plot_derivative=True. When close_loop=False the first and final point on the surface will not be connected, and when it is True, they will be connected by a line segment and a closed curve will be plotted.


Plot the curve using mayavi.mlab rather than matplotlib.pyplot.


This function returns the torsion, \(\tau\), of a curve.

class simsopt.geo.curve.JaxCurve(quadpoints, gamma_pure)

Bases: simsoptpp.Curve, simsopt.geo.curve.Curve


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma'}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\mathbf v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma'}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma'''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma'''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \kappa}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs and \(\kappa\) is the curvature.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \mathbf{c}}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\tau\) is the torsion.

gamma_impl(gamma, quadpoints)

This function returns the x,y,z coordinates of the curve \(\Gamma\).


This function returns \(\Gamma'(\varphi)\), where \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns \(\Gamma''(\varphi)\), and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns \(\Gamma'''(\varphi)\), and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.

class simsopt.geo.curve.RotatedCurve(curve, theta, flip)

Bases: simsoptpp.Curve, simsopt.geo.curve.Curve

RotatedCurve inherits from the Curve base class. It takes an input a Curve, rotates it by theta, and optionally completes a reflection when flip=True.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma'}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma'}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns

\[\frac{\partial \Gamma'''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the vector Jacobian product

\[v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma'''}{\partial \mathbf c}\]

where \(\mathbf{c}\) are the curve dofs, and \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.

gamma_impl(gamma, quadpoints)

This function returns the x,y,z coordinates of the curve, \(\Gamma\), where \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns \(\Gamma'(\varphi)\), where \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns \(\Gamma''(\varphi)\), where \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns \(\Gamma'''(\varphi)\), where \(\Gamma\) are the x, y, z coordinates of the curve.


This function returns the curve dofs.


This function returns the number of dofs associated to the curve.


This function sets the curve dofs.

simsopt.geo.curve.curves_to_vtk(curves, filename)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of the curve arc length formula.

simsopt.geo.curve.incremental_arclength_vjp(d1gamma, v)
simsopt.geo.curve.kappa_pure(d1gamma, d2gamma)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of formula for curvature.

simsopt.geo.curve.kappagrad0(d1gamma, d2gamma)
simsopt.geo.curve.kappagrad1(d1gamma, d2gamma)
simsopt.geo.curve.kappavjp0(d1gamma, d2gamma, v)
simsopt.geo.curve.kappavjp1(d1gamma, d2gamma, v)
simsopt.geo.curve.torsion_pure(d1gamma, d2gamma, d3gamma)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of formula for torsion.

simsopt.geo.curve.torsionvjp0(d1gamma, d2gamma, d3gamma, v)
simsopt.geo.curve.torsionvjp1(d1gamma, d2gamma, d3gamma, v)
simsopt.geo.curve.torsionvjp2(d1gamma, d2gamma, d3gamma, v)

simsopt.geo.curvehelical module

class simsopt.geo.curvehelical.CurveHelical(quadpoints, order, n0, l0, R0, r0)

Bases: simsopt.geo.curve.JaxCurve

Curve representation of a helical coil. The helical coil positions are specified by a poloidal angle eta that is a function of the toroidal angle phi with Fourier coefficients \(A_k\) and \(B_k\). The poloidal angle is represented as

\[\eta = m_0 \phi/l_0 + \sum_k A_k \cos(n_0 \phi k/l_0) + B_k \sin(n_0 \phi k/l_0)\]
  • quadpoints – number of grid points/resolution along the curve;

  • order – number of fourier coefficients, i.e., the length of the array A (or B);

  • n0 – toroidal periodicity/number of field periods

  • l0 – number of \(2\pi\) turns in \(\phi\)

  • R0 – major radius

  • r0 – minor radius

get_dofs(self: simsoptpp.Curve)List[float]
num_dofs(self: simsoptpp.Curve)int
simsopt.geo.curvehelical.jaxHelicalfouriercurve_pure(dofs, quadpoints, order, n0, l0, R0, r0)

simsopt.geo.curveobjectives module

class simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.CurveLength(curve)

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

CurveLength is a class that computes the length of a curve, i.e.

\[J = \int_{\text{curve}}~dl.\]

This returns the value of the quantity.


This returns the derivative of the quantity with respect to the curve dofs.

class simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.LpCurveCurvature(curve, p, desired_length=None)

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

This class computes a penalty term based on the \(L_p\) norm of the curve’s curvature, and penalizes where the local curve curvature exceeds a threshold

\[J = \frac{1}{p} \int_{\text{curve}} \text{max}(\kappa - \kappa_0, 0)^p ~dl\]

where \(\kappa_0\) is a threshold curvature. When desired_length is provided, \(\kappa_0 = 2 \pi / \text{desired_length}\), otherwise \(\kappa_0=0\).


This returns the value of the quantity.


This returns the derivative of the quantity with respect to the curve dofs.

class simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.LpCurveTorsion(curve, p)

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

LpCurveTorsion is a class that computes a penalty term based on the \(L_p\) norm of the curve’s torsion:

\[J = \frac{1}{p} \int_{\text{curve}} \tau^p ~dl.\]

This returns the value of the quantity.


This returns the derivative of the quantity with respect to the curve dofs.

simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.Lp_curvature_pure(kappa, gammadash, p, desired_kappa)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of the curvature penalty term.

simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.Lp_torsion_pure(torsion, gammadash, p)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of the formula for the torsion penalty term.

class simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.MinimumDistance(curves, minimum_distance)

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

MinimumDistance is a class that computes

\[J = \sum_{i = 1}^{\text{num_coils}} \sum_{j = 1}^{i-1} d_{i,j}\]


\[\begin{split}d_{i,j} = \int_{\text{curve}_i} \int_{\text{curve}_j} \max(0, d_{\min} - \| \mathbf{r}_i - \mathbf{r}_j \|_2)^2 ~dl_j ~dl_i\\\end{split}\]

and \(\mathbf{r}_i\), \(\mathbf{r}_j\) are points on coils \(i\) and \(j\), respectively. \(d_\min\) is a desired threshold minimum intercoil distance. This penalty term is zero when the points on coil \(i\) and coil \(j\) lie more than \(d_\min\) away from one another, for \(i, j \in \{1, \cdots, \text{num_coils}\}\)


This returns the value of the quantity.


This returns the derivative of the quantity with respect to the curve dofs.


This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of the curve length formula.

simsopt.geo.curveobjectives.distance_pure(gamma1, l1, gamma2, l2, minimum_distance)

This function is used in a Python+Jax implementation of the distance formula.

simsopt.geo.curverzfourier module

class simsopt.geo.curverzfourier.CurveRZFourier(quadpoints, order, nfp, stellsym)

Bases: simsoptpp.CurveRZFourier, simsopt.geo.curve.Curve

CurveRZFourier is a curve that is represented in cylindrical

coordinates using the following Fourier series:

\[\begin{split}r(\phi) &= \sum_{m=0}^{\text{order}} x_{c,m}\cos(n_{\text{fp}} m \phi) + \sum_{m=1}^{\text{order}} x_{s,m}\sin(n_{\text{fp}} m \phi) \\ z(\phi) &= \sum_{m=0}^{\text{order}} z_{c,m}\cos(n_{\text{fp}} m \phi) + \sum_{m=1}^{\text{order}} z_{s,m}\sin(n_{\text{fp}} m \phi)\end{split}\]

If stellsym = True, then the \(\sin\) terms for \(r\) and the \(\cos\) terms for \(z\) are zero.

For the stellsym = False case, the dofs are stored in the order

\[[r_{c,0}, \cdots, r_{c,\text{order}}, r_{s,1}, \cdots, r_{s,\text{order}}, z_{c,0},....]\]

or in the stellsym = True case they are stored


This function returns the dofs associated to this object.


This function sets the dofs associated to this object.

simsopt.geo.curvexyzfourier module

class simsopt.geo.curvexyzfourier.CurveXYZFourier(quadpoints, order)

Bases: simsoptpp.CurveXYZFourier, simsopt.geo.curve.Curve

CurveXYZFourier is a curve that is represented in Cartesian coordinates using the following Fourier series:

\[\begin{split}x(\phi) &= \sum_{m=0}^{\text{order}} x_{c,m}\cos(m\phi) + \sum_{m=1}^{\text{order}} x_{s,m}\sin(m\phi) \\ y(\phi) &= \sum_{m=0}^{\text{order}} y_{c,m}\cos(m\phi) + \sum_{m=1}^{\text{order}} y_{s,m}\sin(m\phi) \\ z(\phi) &= \sum_{m=0}^{\text{order}} z_{c,m}\cos(m\phi) + \sum_{m=1}^{\text{order}} z_{s,m}\sin(m\phi)\end{split}\]

The dofs are stored in the order

\[[x_{c,0}, x_{c,1}, \cdots, x_{c,\text{order}}, x_{s,1}, \cdots, x_{s,\text{order}}, y_{c,0}, \cdots]\]

This function returns the dofs associated to this object.

static load_curves_from_file(filename, order=None, ppp=20, delimiter=',')

This function loads a file containing Fourier coefficients for several coils. The file is expected to have 6*num_coils many columns, and order+1 many rows. The columns are in the following order,

sin_x_coil1, cos_x_coil1, sin_y_coil1, cos_y_coil1, sin_z_coil1, cos_z_coil1, sin_x_coil2, cos_x_coil2, sin_y_coil2, cos_y_coil2, sin_z_coil2, cos_z_coil2, …


This function sets the dofs associated to this object.

class simsopt.geo.curvexyzfourier.JaxCurveXYZFourier(quadpoints, order)

Bases: simsopt.geo.curve.JaxCurve

A Python+Jax implementation of the CurveXYZFourier class. There is actually no reason why one should use this over the C++ implementation in simsoptpp, but the point of this class is to illustrate how jax can be used to define a geometric object class and calculate all the derivatives (both with respect to dofs and with respect to the angle \(\phi\)) automatically.


This function returns the dofs associated to this object.


This function returns the number of dofs associated to this object.


This function sets the dofs associated to this object.

simsopt.geo.curvexyzfourier.jaxfouriercurve_pure(dofs, quadpoints, order)

simsopt.geo.graph_surface module

This module provides several classes for representing toroidal surfaces. There is a base class Surface, and several child classes corresponding to different discrete representations.

class simsopt.geo.graph_surface.Surface(nfp=1, stellsym=True)

Bases: abc.ABC

Surface is a base class for various representations of toroidal surfaces in simsopt.

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
abstract to_RZFourier()

Return a SurfaceRZFourier instance corresponding to the shape of this surface. All subclasses should implement this abstract method.

class simsopt.geo.graph_surface.SurfaceGarabedian(nfp=1, mmax=1, mmin=0, nmax=0, nmin=None)

Bases: simsopt.geo.graph_surface.Surface, simsopt._core.graph_optimizable.Optimizable

SurfaceGarabedian represents a toroidal surface for which the shape is parameterized using Garabedian’s Delta_{m,n} coefficients.

The present implementation assumes stellarator symmetry. Note that non-stellarator-symmetric surfaces require that the Delta_{m,n} coefficients be imaginary.

property Delta
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_ids = count(1)

Return the area of the surface.


Compute the surface area and the volume enclosed by the surface.

get_Delta(m, n)

Return a particular Delta_{m,n} coefficient.

return_fn_map: Dict[str, Callable] = {'area': <function SurfaceGarabedian.area>, 'volume': <function SurfaceGarabedian.volume>}
set_Delta(m, n, val)

Set a particular Delta_{m,n} coefficient.


Return a SurfaceRZFourier object with the identical shape.

For a derivation of the transformation here, see


Return the volume of the surface.

class simsopt.geo.graph_surface.SurfaceRZFourier(nfp=1, stellsym=True, mpol=1, ntor=0)

Bases: simsopt.geo.graph_surface.Surface, simsopt._core.graph_optimizable.Optimizable

SurfaceRZFourier is a surface that is represented in cylindrical coordinates using the following Fourier series:

r(theta, phi) = sum_{m=0}^{mpol} sum_{n=-ntor}^{ntor} [

r_{c,m,n} cos(m heta - n nfp phi) + r_{s,m,n} sin(m heta - n nfp phi) ]

and the same for z(theta, phi).

Here, (r, phi, z) are standard cylindrical coordinates, and theta is any poloidal angle.

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_ids = count(1)
_validate_mn(m, n)

Check whether m and n are in the allowed range.


Return the area of the surface.


Compute the surface area and the volume enclosed by the surface.


Return the area of the surface.


Compute the derivative of the surface area and the volume enclosed by the surface.


Return the volume of the surface.

classmethod from_focus(filename)

Read in a surface from a FOCUS-format file.

get_rc(m, n)

Return a particular rc Parameter.

get_rs(m, n)

Return a particular rs Parameter.

get_zc(m, n)

Return a particular zc Parameter.

get_zs(m, n)

Return a particular zs Parameter.


Create the arrays for the rc, rs, zc, and zs coefficients.

property rc
return_fn_map: Dict[str, Callable] = {'area': <function SurfaceRZFourier.area>, 'volume': <function SurfaceRZFourier.volume>}
property rs
set_rc(m, n, val)

Set a particular rc Parameter.

set_rs(m, n, val)

Set a particular rs Parameter.

set_zc(m, n, val)

Set a particular zc Parameter.

set_zs(m, n, val)

Set a particular zs Parameter.


Return a SurfaceGarabedian object with the identical shape.

For a derivation of the transformation here, see


No conversion necessary.


Return the volume of the surface.

property zc
property zs
simsopt.geo.graph_surface.area_volume_pure(rc, rs, zc, zs, stellsym, nfp, mpol, ntor, ntheta, nphi)

Compute the area and volume of a surface. This pure function is designed for automatic differentiation.

simsopt.geo.graph_surface.dataset_area_volume(surface_rz_fourier, stellsym, nfp, mpol, ntor, ntheta, nphi)

Compute the area and volume of a surface. This pure function is designed for automatic differentiation.

simsopt.geo.graph_surface.jit_area_volume_pure(rc, rs, zc, zs, stellsym, nfp, mpol, ntor, ntheta, nphi)

Compute the area and volume of a surface. This pure function is designed for automatic differentiation.

simsopt.geo.graph_surface.jit_dataset_area_volume(surface_rz_fourier, stellsym, nfp, mpol, ntor, ntheta, nphi)

Compute the area and volume of a surface. This pure function is designed for automatic differentiation.

simsopt.geo.jit module


simsopt.geo.magneticfield module

class simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Bases: simsoptpp.MagneticField

Generic class that represents any magnetic field from which each magnetic field class inherits. The usage of MagneticField is as follows:

bfield = BiotSavart(coils, currents) # An instance of a MagneticField
points = ... # points is a (n, 3) numpy array
B = bfield.B() # returns the Magnetic field at `points`
dA = bfield.dA_by_dX() # returns the gradient of the potential of the field at `points`

MagneticField has a cache to avoid repeated calculations. To clear this cache, call the clear_cached_properties() function. The cache is automatically cleard when set_points is called.

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticFieldMultiply(scalar, Bfield)

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Class used to multiply a magnetic field by a scalar. It takes as input a MagneticField class and a scalar and multiplies B, A and their derivatives by that value.

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticFieldSum(Bfields)

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Class used to sum two or more magnetic field together. It can either be called directly with a list of magnetic fields given as input and outputing another magnetic field with B, A and its derivatives added together or it can be called by summing magnetic fields classes as Bfield1 + Bfield1

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses module

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.ChebyshevInterpolationRule

Bases: simsoptpp.ChebyshevInterpolationRule

property degree

The degree of the polynomial. The number of interpolation points in degree+1.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.CircularCoil(r0=0.1, center=[0, 0, 0], I=159154.94309189534, normal=[0, 0])

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Magnetic field created by a single circular coil evaluated using analytical functions, including complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind. As inputs, it takes the radius of the coil (r0), its center, current (I) and its normal vector [either spherical angle components (normal=[theta,phi]) or (x,y,z) components of a vector (normal=[x,y,z])]).

  • r0 – radius of the coil

  • center – point at the coil center

  • I – current of the coil in Ampere’s

  • normal – if list with two values treats it as spherical angles theta and phi of the normal vector to the plane of the coil centered at the coil center, if list with three values treats it a vector

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.Dommaschk(mn=[[0, 0]], coeffs=[[0, 0]])

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Vacuum magnetic field created by an explicit representation of the magnetic field scalar potential as proposed by W. Dommaschk (1986), Computer Physics Communications 40, 203-218. As inputs, it takes the arrays for the harmonics m, n and its corresponding coefficients.

  • m – first harmonic array

  • n – second harmonic array

  • coeffs – coefficient for Vml for each of the ith index of the harmonics m and n

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.InterpolatedField(*args)

Bases: simsoptpp.InterpolatedField, simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

This field takes an existing field and interpolates it on a regular grid in \(r,\phi,z\). This resulting interpolant can then be evaluated very quickly.

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

estimate_error_B(self: simsoptpp.InterpolatedField, arg0: int)Tuple[float, float]
estimate_error_GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.InterpolatedField, arg0: int)Tuple[float, float]
get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

property phi_range
property r_range
property rule
set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, h=0.1)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

property z_range
class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.Reiman(iota0=0.15, iota1=0.38, k=[6], epsilonk=[0.01], m0=1)

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Magnetic field model in section 5 of Reiman and Greenside, Computer Physics Communications 43 (1986) 157—167. This field allows for an analytical expression of the magnetic island width that can be used for island optimization. However, the field is not completely physical as it does not have nested flux surfaces.

  • iota0 – unperturbed rotational transform

  • iota1 – unperturbed global magnetic shear

  • k – integer array specifying the Fourier modes used

  • epsilonk – coefficient of the Fourier modes

  • m0 – toroidal symmetry parameter (normally m0=1)

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.ScalarPotentialRZMagneticField(PhiStr)

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Vacuum magnetic field as a solution of B = grad(Phi) where Phi is the magnetic field scalar potential. It takes Phi as an input string, which should contain an expression involving the standard cylindrical coordinates (R, phi, Z) Example: ScalarPotentialRZMagneticField(“2*phi”) yields a magnetic field B = grad(2*phi) = (0,2/R,0). Note: this function needs sympy.


PhiStr – string containing vacuum scalar potential expression as a function of R, Z and phi

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.ToroidalField(R0, B0)

Bases: simsopt.geo.magneticfield.MagneticField

Magnetic field purely in the toroidal direction, that is, in the phi direction with (R,phi,Z) the standard cylindrical coordinates. Its modulus is given by B = B0*R0/R where R0 is the first input and B0 the second input to the function.

  • B0 – modulus of the magnetic field at R0

  • R0 – radius of normalization

A(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains A_l(x_i).

A_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As A, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

AbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 1) array containing the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

AbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As AbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

B(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i and l, the result contains B_l(x_i).

B_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As B, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

GradAbsB(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3) array containing the gradient of the absolute value of the magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates).

GradAbsB_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As GradAbsB, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).


Add two magnetic fields.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Multiply a field with a scalar.


Clear the cache.

d2A_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j A_l(x_i).

d2A_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2A_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

d2B_by_dXdX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3, 3) array containing the hessian of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j, k and l, the result contains partial_kpartial_j B_l(x_i).

d2B_by_dXdX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As d2B_by_dXdX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dA_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of the magnetic potential (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j A_l(x_i).

dA_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dA_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

dB_by_dX(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns a (npoints, 3, 3) array containing the gradient of magnetic field (in cartesian coordinates). Denoting the indices by i, j and l, the result contains partial_j B_l(x_i).

dB_by_dX_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As dB_by_dX, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cartesian coordinates.

get_points_cart_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cart, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

get_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Get the point where the field should be evaluated in cylindrical coordinates.

get_points_cyl_ref(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

As get_points_cyl, but returns a reference to the array (this array should be read only).

invalidate_cache(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField)None

Clear the cache. Called automatically after each call to set_points[…].

set_points(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Shorthand for set_points_cart.

set_points_cart(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cartesian coordinates.

set_points_cyl(self: simsoptpp.MagneticField, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])simsoptpp.MagneticField

Set the points where to evaluate the magnetic fields, in cylindrical coordinates.

to_vtk(filename, nr=10, nphi=10, nz=10, rmin=1.0, rmax=2.0, zmin=- 0.5, zmax=0.5)

Export the field evaluated on a regular grid for visualisation with e.g. Paraview.

class simsopt.geo.magneticfieldclasses.UniformInterpolationRule

Bases: simsoptpp.UniformInterpolationRule

property degree

The degree of the polynomial. The number of interpolation points in degree+1.

simsopt.geo.surface module

class simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

Bases: simsopt._core.optimizable.Optimizable

Surface is a base class for various representations of toroidal surfaces in simsopt.

A Surface is modelled as a function \(\Gamma:[0, 1] \times [0, 1] \to R^3\) and is evaluated at quadrature points \(\{\phi_1, \ldots, \phi_{n_\phi}\}\times\{\theta_1, \ldots, \theta_{n_\theta}\}\).


Note: cylindrical coordinates are \((R, \phi, Z)\), where \(\phi \in [-\pi,\pi)\) and the angles that parametrize the surface are \((\varphi, \theta) \in [0,1)^2\) For a given surface, this function computes its aspect ratio using the VMEC definition:

\[AR = R_{\text{major}} / R_{\text{minor}}\]


\[\begin{split}R_{\text{minor}} &= \sqrt{ \overline{A} / \pi } \\ R_{\text{major}} &= \frac{V}{2 \pi^2 R_{\text{minor}}^2}\end{split}\]

and \(V\) is the volume enclosed by the surface, and \(\overline{A}\) is the average cross sectional area. The main difficult part of this calculation is the mean cross sectional area. This is given by the integral

\[\overline{A} = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{S_{\phi}} ~dS ~d\phi\]

where \(S_\phi\) is the cross section of the surface at the cylindrical angle \(\phi\). Note that \(\int_{S_\phi} ~dS\) can be rewritten as a line integral

\[\begin{split}\int_{S_\phi}~dS &= \int_{S_\phi} ~dR dZ \\ &= \int_{\partial S_\phi} [R,0] \cdot \mathbf n/\|\mathbf n\| ~dl \\ &= \int^1_{0} R \frac{\partial Z}{\partial \theta}~d\theta\end{split}\]

where \(\mathbf n = [n_R, n_Z] = [\partial Z/\partial \theta, -\partial R/\partial \theta]\) is the outward pointing normal.

Consider the surface in cylindrical coordinates terms of its angles \([R(\varphi,\theta), \phi(\varphi,\theta), Z(\varphi,\theta)]\). The boundary of the cross section \(\partial S_\phi\) is given by the points \(\theta\rightarrow[R(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta),\phi, Z(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta)]\) for fixed \(\phi\). The cross sectional area of \(S_\phi\) becomes

\[\int^{1}_{0} R(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}[Z(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta)] ~d\theta\]

Now, substituting this into the formula for the mean cross sectional area, we have

\[\overline{A} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{\pi}_{-\pi}\int^{1}_{0} R(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}[Z(\varphi(\phi,\theta),\theta)] ~d\theta ~d\phi\]

Instead of integrating over cylindrical \(\phi\), let’s complete the change of variables and integrate over \(\varphi\) using the mapping:

\[[\phi,\theta] \leftarrow [\text{atan2}(y(\varphi,\theta), x(\varphi,\theta)), \theta]\]

After the change of variables, the integral becomes:

\[\overline{A} = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{1}_{0}\int^{1}_{0} R(\varphi,\theta) \left[\frac{\partial Z}{\partial \varphi} \frac{\partial \varphi}{d \theta} + \frac{\partial Z}{\partial \theta} \right] \text{det} J ~d\theta ~d\varphi\]

where \(\text{det}J\) is the determinant of the mapping’s Jacobian.

cross_section(phi, thetas=None)

This function takes in a cylindrical angle \(\phi\) and returns the cross section of the surface in that plane evaluated at thetas. This is done using the method of bisection.

This function assumes that the surface intersection with the plane is a single curve.

plot(ax=None, show=True, plot_normal=False, plot_derivative=False, scalars=None, wireframe=True)

Plot the surface using mayavi. Note: the ax and show parameter can be used to plot more than one surface:

ax = surface1.plot(show=False)
ax = surface2.plot(ax=ax, show=False)
surface3.plot(ax=ax, show=True)

Return a simsopt.geo.surfacerzfourier.SurfaceRZFourier instance corresponding to the shape of this surface. All subclasses should implement this abstract method.


simsopt.geo.surfacegarabedian module

class simsopt.geo.surfacegarabedian.SurfaceGarabedian(nfp=1, mmax=1, mmin=0, nmax=0, nmin=None)

Bases: simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

SurfaceGarabedian represents a toroidal surface for which the shape is parameterized using Garabedian’s \(\Delta_{m,n}\) coefficients.

The present implementation assumes stellarator symmetry. Note that non-stellarator-symmetric surfaces require that the \(\Delta_{m,n}\) coefficients be imaginary.


Create the array for the \(\Delta_{m,n}\) coefficients.


Return the area of the surface.


Compute the surface area and the volume enclosed by the surface.

fixed_range(mmin, mmax, nmin, nmax, fixed=True)

Set the ‘fixed’ property for a range of m and n values.

All modes with m in the interval [mmin, mmax] and n in the interval [nmin, nmax] will have their fixed property set to the value of the ‘fixed’ parameter. Note that mmax and nmax are included (unlike the upper bound in python’s range(min, max).)

get_Delta(m, n)

Return a particular \(\Delta_{m,n}\) coefficient.


Return a 1D numpy array with all the degrees of freedom.

set_Delta(m, n, val)

Set a particular \(\Delta_{m,n}\) coefficient.


Set the shape coefficients from a 1D list/array


Return a SurfaceRZFourier object with the identical shape.

For a derivation of the transformation here, see


Return the volume of the surface.

simsopt.geo.surfacehenneberg module

class simsopt.geo.surfacehenneberg.SurfaceHenneberg(nfp: int, alpha_fac: int, mmax: int, nmax: int, quadpoints_phi: int = 63, quadpoints_theta: int = 62)

Bases: simsoptpp.Surface, simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

This class represents a toroidal surface using the parameterization in Henneberg, Helander, and Drevlak, arXiv:2105.00768 (2021). The main benefit of this representation is that there is no freedom in the poloidal angle, i.e. \(\theta\) is uniquely defined, in contrast to other parameterizations like SurfaceRZFourier. Stellarator symmetry is assumed.

In this representation by Henneberg et al, the cylindrical coordinates \((R,\phi,Z)\) are written in terms of a unique poloidal angle \(\theta\) as follows:

\[\begin{split}R(\theta,\phi) = R_0^H(\phi) + \rho(\theta,\phi) \cos(\alpha\phi) - \zeta(\theta,\phi) \sin(\alpha\phi), \\ Z(\theta,\phi) = Z_0^H(\phi) + \rho(\theta,\phi) \sin(\alpha\phi) + \zeta(\theta,\phi) \cos(\alpha\phi),\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}R_0^H(\phi) &=& \sum_{n=0}^{nmax} R_{0,n}^H \cos(n_{fp} n \phi), \\ Z_0^H(\phi) &=& \sum_{n=1}^{nmax} Z_{0,n}^H \sin(n_{fp} n \phi), \\ \zeta(\theta,\phi) &=& \sum_{n=0}^{nmax} b_n \cos(n_{fp} n \phi) \sin(\theta - \alpha \phi), \\ \rho(\theta,\phi) &=& \sum_{n,m} \rho_{n,m} \cos(m \theta - n_{fp} n \phi - \alpha \phi).\end{split}\]

The continuous degrees of freedom are \(\{\rho_{m,n}, b_n, R_{0,n}^H, Z_{0,n}^H\}\). These variables correspond to the attributes rhomn, bn, R0nH, and Z0nH respectively, which are all numpy arrays. There is also a discrete degree of freedom \(\alpha\) which should be \(\pm n_{fp}/2\) where \(n_{fp}\) is the number of field periods. The attribute alpha_fac corresponds to \(2\alpha/n_{fp}\), so alpha_fac is either 1, 0, or -1. Using alpha_fac = 0 is appropriate for axisymmetry, while values of 1 or -1 are appropriate for a stellarator, depending on the handedness of the rotating elongation.

For \(R_{0,n}^H\) and \(b_n\), \(n\) is 0 or any positive integer up through nmax (inclusive). For \(Z_{0,n}^H\), \(n\) is any positive integer up through nmax. For \(\rho_{m,n}\), \(m\) is an integer from 0 through mmax (inclusive). For positive values of \(m\), \(n\) can be any integer from -nmax through nmax. For \(m=0\), \(n\) is restricted to integers from 1 through nmax. Note that we exclude the element of \(\rho_{m,n}\) with \(m=n=0\), because this degree of freedom is already represented in \(R_{0,0}^H\).

For the 2D array rhomn, functions set_rhomn() and get_rhomn() are provided for convenience so you can specify n, since the corresponding array index is shifted by nmax. There are no corresponding functions for the 1D arrays R0nH, Z0nH, and bn since these arrays all have a first index corresponding to n=0.

_validate_mn(m, n)

Check whether given (m, n) values are allowed for \(\rho_{m,n}\).


Create the arrays for the continuous degrees of freedom. Also set the names of the dofs.

fixed_range(mmax, nmax, fixed=True)

Set the fixed property for a range of m and n values.

All modes with m <= mmax and |n| <= nmax will have their fixed property set to the value of the fixed parameter. Note that mmax and nmax are included.

Both mmax and nmax must be >= 0.

For any value of mmax, the fixed properties of R0nH, Z0nH, and rhomn are set. The fixed properties of bn are set only if mmax > 0. In other words, the bn modes are treated as having m=1.

classmethod from_RZFourier(surf, alpha_fac: int, mmax: Optional[int] = None, nmax: Optional[int] = None, ntheta: Optional[int] = None, nphi: Optional[int] = None)

Convert a SurfaceRZFourier surface to a SurfaceHenneberg surface.

  • surf – The SurfaceRZFourier object to convert.

  • mmax – Maximum poloidal mode number to include in the new surface. If None, the value mpol from the old surface will be used.

  • nmax – Maximum toroidal mode number to include in the new surface. If None, the value ntor from the old surface will be used.

  • ntheta – Number of grid points in the poloidal angle used for the transformation. If None, the value 3 * ntheta will be used.

  • nphi – Number of grid points in the toroidal angle used for the transformation. If None, the value 3 * nphi will be used.

gamma_impl(data, quadpoints_phi, quadpoints_theta)

Evaluate the position vector on the surface in Cartesian coordinates, for a tensor product grid of points in theta and phi.

gamma_lin(data, quadpoints_phi, quadpoints_theta)

Evaluate the position vector on the surface in Cartesian coordinates, for a list of (phi, theta) points.


Evaluate the derivative of the position vector with respect to the toroidal angle phi.


Evaluate the derivative of the position vector with respect to theta.


Return a 1D numpy array with all the degrees of freedom.

get_rhomn(m, n)

Return a particular \(\rho_{m,n}\) coefficient.


Return the number of degrees of freedom.


Set the shape coefficients from a 1D list/array

set_rhomn(m, n, val)

Set a particular \(\rho_{m,n}\) coefficient.


Return a SurfaceRZFourier object with the identical shape. This routine implements eq (4.5)-(4.6) in the Henneberg paper, plus m=0 terms for R0 and Z0.

simsopt.geo.surfaceobjectives module

class simsopt.geo.surfaceobjectives.Area(surface)

Bases: object

Wrapper class for surface area label.


Compute the area of a surface.


Calculate the second derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.


Calculate the derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.

class simsopt.geo.surfaceobjectives.ToroidalFlux(surface, biotsavart, idx=0)

Bases: object

Given a surface and Biot Savart kernel, this objective calculates

\[\begin{split}J &= \int_{S_{\varphi}} \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{n} ~ds, \\ &= \int_{S_{\varphi}} \text{curl} \mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{n} ~ds, \\ &= \int_{\partial S_{\varphi}} \mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{t}~dl,\end{split}\]

where \(S_{\varphi}\) is a surface of constant \(\varphi\), and \(\mathbf A\) is the magnetic vector potential.


Compute the toroidal flux on the surface where \(\varphi = \texttt{quadpoints_varphi}[\texttt{idx}]\).


Calculate the second derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.


Calculate the derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.

class simsopt.geo.surfaceobjectives.Volume(surface)

Bases: object

Wrapper class for volume label.


Compute the volume enclosed by the surface.


Calculate the second derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.


Calculate the derivatives with respect to the surface coefficients.

simsopt.geo.surfaceobjectives.boozer_surface_residual(surface, iota, G, biotsavart, derivatives=0)

For a given surface, this function computes the residual

\[G\mathbf B_\text{BS}(\mathbf x) - ||\mathbf B_\text{BS}(\mathbf x)||^2 (\mathbf x_\varphi + \iota \mathbf x_\theta)\]

as well as the derivatives of this residual with respect to surface dofs, iota, and G. In the above, \(\mathbf x\) are points on the surface, \(\iota\) is the rotational transform on that surface, and \(\mathbf B_{\text{BS}}\) is the magnetic field computed using the Biot-Savart law.

\(G\) is known for exact boozer surfaces, so if G=None is passed, then that value is used instead.

simsopt.geo.surfacerzfourier module

class simsopt.geo.surfacerzfourier.SurfaceRZFourier(nfp=1, stellsym=True, mpol=1, ntor=0, quadpoints_phi=63, quadpoints_theta=62)

Bases: simsoptpp.SurfaceRZFourier, simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

SurfaceRZFourier is a surface that is represented in cylindrical coordinates using the following Fourier series:

\[r(\theta, \phi) = \sum_{m=0}^{m_{\text{pol}}} \sum_{n=-n_{\text{tor}}}^{n_\text{tor}} [ r_{c,m,n} \cos(m \theta - n_{\text{fp}} n \phi) + r_{s,m,n} \sin(m \theta - n_{\text{fp}} n \phi) ]\]

and the same for \(z(\theta, \phi)\).

Here, \((r,\phi, z)\) are standard cylindrical coordinates, and theta is any poloidal angle.

Note that for \(m=0\) we skip the \(n<0\) term for the cos terms, and the \(n \leq 0\) for the sin terms.

In addition, in the stellsym=True case, we skip the sin terms for \(r\), and the cos terms for \(z\).

_validate_mn(m, n)

Check whether m and n are in the allowed range.

change_resolution(mpol, ntor)

Change the values of mpol and ntor. Any new Fourier amplitudes will have a magnitude of zero. Any previous nonzero Fourier amplitudes that are not within the new range will be discarded.


Short hand for Surface.darea_by_dcoeff()


Short hand for Surface.dvolume_by_dcoeff()

fixed_range(mmin, mmax, nmin, nmax, fixed=True)

Set the ‘fixed’ property for a range of m and n values.

All modes with m in the interval [mmin, mmax] and n in the interval [nmin, nmax] will have their fixed property set to the value of the fixed parameter. Note that mmax and nmax are included (unlike the upper bound in python’s range(min, max).)

classmethod from_focus(filename, nphi=32, ntheta=32)

Read in a surface from a FOCUS-format file.


Return the dofs associated to this surface.

get_rc(m, n)

Return a particular rc Parameter.

get_rs(m, n)

Return a particular rs Parameter.

get_zc(m, n)

Return a particular zc Parameter.

get_zs(m, n)

Return a particular zs Parameter.


Form a list of names of the rc, zs, rs, or zc array elements.

make_names_helper(prefix, include0)
set_dofs(self: simsoptpp.SurfaceRZFourier, arg0: List[float])None
set_rc(m, n, val)

Set a particular rc Parameter.

set_rs(m, n, val)

Set a particular rs Parameter.

set_zc(m, n, val)

Set a particular zc Parameter.

set_zs(m, n, val)

Set a particular zs Parameter.


Return a SurfaceGarabedian object with the identical shape.

For a derivation of the transformation here, see


No conversion necessary.

simsopt.geo.surfacexyzfourier module

class simsopt.geo.surfacexyzfourier.SurfaceXYZFourier(nfp=1, stellsym=True, mpol=1, ntor=0, quadpoints_phi=32, quadpoints_theta=32)

Bases: simsoptpp.SurfaceXYZFourier, simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

SurfaceXYZFourier is a surface that is represented in Cartesian coordinates using the following Fourier series:

\[\begin{split}\hat x(\phi,\theta) &= \sum_{m=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{n=-n_{\text{tor}}}^{n_{tor}} [ x_{c,m,n} \cos(m \theta - n_\text{ fp } n \phi) + x_{s,m,n} \sin(m \theta - n_\text{ fp } n \phi)]\\ \hat y(\phi,\theta) &= \sum_{m=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{n=-n_\text{tor}}^{n_\text{tor}} [ y_{c,m,n} \cos(m \theta - n_\text{fp} n \phi) + y_{s,m,n} \sin(m \theta - n_\text{fp} n \phi)]\\ z(\phi,\theta) &= \sum_{m=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{n=-n_\text{tor}}^{n_\text{tor}} [ z_{c,m,n} \cos(m \theta - n_\text{fp}n \phi) + z_{s,m,n} \sin(m \theta - n_\text{fp}n \phi)]\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}x &= \hat x \cos(\phi) - \hat y \sin(\phi)\\ y &= \hat x \sin(\phi) + \hat y \cos(\phi)\end{split}\]

Note that for \(m=0\) we skip the \(n<0\) term for the cos terms, and the \(n \leq 0\) for the sin terms.

When enforcing stellarator symmetry, we set the

\[x_{s,*,*}, ~y_{c,*,*}, \text{and} ~z_{c,*,*}\]

terms to zero.


Return the dofs associated to this surface.


Set the dofs associated to this surface.


Return a SurfaceRZFourier instance corresponding to the shape of this surface.

simsopt.geo.surfacexyztensorfourier module

class simsopt.geo.surfacexyztensorfourier.SurfaceXYZTensorFourier(nfp=1, stellsym=True, mpol=1, ntor=1, clamped_dims=[False, False, False], quadpoints_phi=32, quadpoints_theta=32)

Bases: simsoptpp.SurfaceXYZTensorFourier, simsopt.geo.surface.Surface

SurfaceXYZTensorFourier is a surface that is represented in cartesian coordinates using the following Fourier series:

\[\begin{split}\hat x(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{2n_\text{tor}} x_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\\ \hat y(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{2n_\text{tor}} y_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\\ x(\phi, \theta) &= \hat x(\phi, \theta) \cos(\phi) - \hat y(\phi, \theta) \sin(\phi)\\ y(\phi, \theta) &= \hat x(\phi, \theta) \sin(\phi) + \hat y(\phi, \theta) \cos(\phi)\\ z(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{2n_\text{tor}} z_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\end{split}\]

where the basis functions \({v_j}\) are given by

\[\{1, \cos(1\,\mathrm{nfp}\,\phi), \ldots, \cos(n_\text{tor}\,\mathrm{nfp}\,\phi), \sin(1\,\mathrm{nfp}\,\phi), \ldots, \sin(n_\text{tor}\,\mathrm{nfp}\,\phi)\}\]

and \({w_i}\) are given by

\[\{1, \cos(1\theta), \ldots, \cos(m_\text{pol}\theta), \sin(1\theta), \ldots, \sin(m_\text{pol}\theta)\}\]

When stellsym=True the sums above change as follows:

\[\begin{split}\hat x(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{n_\text{tor}} x_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi) + \sum_{i=m_\text{pol}+1}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=n_\text{tor}+1}^{2n_\text{tor}} x_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\\ \hat y(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=n_\text{tor}+1}^{2n_\text{tor}} y_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi) + \sum_{i=m_\text{pol}+1}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{n_\text{tor}} y_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\\\\ z(\theta, \phi) &= \sum_{i=0}^{m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=n_\text{tor}+1}^{2n_\text{tor}} z_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi) + \sum_{i=m_\text{pol}+1}^{2m_\text{pol}} \sum_{j=0}^{n_\text{tor}} z_{ij} w_i(\theta)v_j(\phi)\end{split}\]

Return the dofs associated to this surface.


Set the dofs associated to this surface.


Return a SurfaceRZFourier instance corresponding to the shape of this surface.

Module contents